Economy / Society














大佬是怎么用杠杆的呢? 对股市稍微有点了解,就知道有眼花缭乱的金融衍生品,其实金融衍生品就是杠杆。他们有很多手段能拿到低成本的资金,然后用高杠杆去盈利。资本主义的本质是关系,大家好好体会下这句话,大佬们开挂的人生的关键就是关系,廉价资金,内部信息这三元素在循环起作用,并且相互促进形成正反馈。



  1. 减税。

    1. 扩大再生产,雇佣更多员工,赚更多的钱?消费是不足的,产能是过剩的

    2. 那老板会给员工把这笔钱分了吗?提高人民收入,增加购买力?当然不会了,今年减税涨工资,明年不减税了,工资怎么办?减工资?当然不行了,工资这玩意只能涨,一般不能降。

    3. 有钱花在刀刃上,多出点钱来就应该做点立竿见影的事,啥事呢?回购股票


  2. 美联储要加息。奥巴马时期已经长期低息了。但川总不同意,对股市经济打击太大。按理说老川应该是要去杠杆的,不过老川不但不接受这个结果,反而继续加杠杆。

Three main forces that drive the economy:

  • Productivity growth

  • Short term debt cycle (5-8 years)

  • Long term debt cycle (75-100 years)

Transaction: buyer uses money/credit to exchange goods/service/financial assets.

Any two entities (lender and borrower) can create credit out of thin air. As credit is created, debt is created as the same time. It's an asset for the lender, liability for the borrower. When the borrower pays back, the transaction is settled.

Increased income => increased borrowing (interest is low) => increased spending => other people's increased income

Cycles: consume more than we can afford when we acquire debt, and spend less when we have to pay it back.

debt cycle: When you use credit, some time in the future you have to pay it back.

Short term cycle: expansion (credit is easily available => increase spending) => inflation => central bank increases interest rate, so fewer people can borrow money => less credit => spending decreases => deflation (prices go down) => recession => central bank lowers interest rate => expansion

But, if you compare each cycle, the debt is still going up overall, which leads to the long term debt cycle. 2008 - deleveraging. This is worse than a recession because interest rate is already low. What do we do now?

  • Cut spending

  • Reduce debt

  • wealth redistribution

  • print money

    • First three is painful and deflationary. This one is inflationary and stimulative.

    • Drives up assets price. Central bank prints money, buys government bond, (lends money to government). Government spend money on goods and services.

  • Policy makers need to balance the deflationary methods and the inflationary method. If done well, it's a beautiful deleveraging.

    • if the new printed money offsets the falling credit, there won't be inflation.

    • The income (spending) increase must grow faster than the debt (debt has interest)


  • Don't let debt grow faster than income.

  • Don't have income grow faster than productivity. (you'll become uncompetitive) <= writing idea.

  • Do all that you can to grow your productivity, because in the long run, that's what matters the most. <= change industry.

If an outside investor invests $500 for 1/3 of the company, the company is worth $1500, and $1000 is goodwill.

EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) = revenue - cost of goods (COGS) - depreciation of fixed assets - labor

Margin = EBIT/revenue

Investor has higher risk than lender, but he could make more money when the business is doing well.

Senior debt = lower risk = lower return

Keys to successful investment:

  • Invest in public companies

  • Understand how the company makes money

  • Invest at a reasonable price

  • Invest in a company that could last forever

  • Find a company with limited debt

  • Look for high barriers to entry

  • Invest in a company immune to extrinsic factors

  • Invest in a company with low reinvestment costs

  • Avoid businesses with controlling shareholders

A good money manager:

  • Can easily explain investment strategy

  • Has a good reputation

  • Has value approach (vs. technical approach)

  • Has a successful track record of at least 5 years

  • Has a consistent approach

  • Invests own money in the fund

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